services in whyalla
local assistance
Within the Whyalla area there are several agencies who can provide you with professional, confidential assistance.
There may be multiple reasons as to why you would like some non- judgemental help and we hope the services listed below will assist you to cope with or overcome this difficult time for you.
services in whyalla

Anglicare Whyalla Outreach Centre
Phone service only
0417 788 915
Referral: Self-referral or any agency referral

Uniting Communities
New Roads is a residential rehabilitation and outpatient counselling service for people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction/ dependency. 21+ for residential rehabilitation and 18+ for outpatient counselling.
12B Forsyth Street, Whyalla
8202 5690
Referral: Self-referral

Mission Australia
Early intervention support services for young people and their families experiencing mental health and youth at risk of homelessness.
80b Essington Lewis Ave, Whyalla
8645 6900
Referral: Self-referral or any agency referral

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Mental Health assessment and case management for ages 0-16 (consent from a legal guardian must be obtained before accessing CAMHS service).
Visiting Specialist Dept., 1st floor, Whyalla Hospital
1300 222 647
Referral: From your GP or any agency referral

Centacare Catholic Country SA
Assistance for individuals, couples and children with general financial counselling, emergency relief, family dispute resolution, early intervention and family support and education, training and advocacy.
28 Head Street, Whyalla Stuart
1800 759 865 (free call)
Referral: Self-referral or any agency referral

Plaza Youth Centre
Provides recreational and early intervention programs including a case management service to youth aged 10-25, young people aged 8 and above can participate in the actives or programs.
9/11 Colebrook Street, Whyalla Stuart
8645 3999
Referral: Self-referral or any agency referral

StandBy support after suicide
StandBy offers free 24/7 face-to-face and telephone support for anyone bereaved by, or who has been impacted by suicide.
australia wide
1300 727 247
Referral: Self-referral

Uniting Country SA
Support for community, families, domestic violence and homelessness, housing, youth services, disability (NDIS), mental health and financial support.
22 McRitchie Cres, Whyalla Stuart
1300 067 777
Referral: From your GP, self-referral, or any agency referral

Whyalla Community Mental Health Team
Provides mental health assessment and case management for people (16+) with acute and complex mental illness. Can assist with access to a psychiatrist.
Level 3, Whyalla Hospital
8644 5130
Referral: From your GP, self-referral, or any agency referral

Country & Outback Health
Support for people experiencing suicidal thoughts, support for people misusing alcohol and/or other drugs, early intervention for people at risk of developing a mental health disorder and for people with complex mental health disorders.
127 Nicolson Ave Whyalla Norrie 5608
8644 4900
Referral: From your GP, self-referral, or any agency referral

Centacare Whyalla Generic Homelessness Service (Youth Focus) & Domestic Violence Service
Delivery of a range of services to independent persons aged 15 and over who have been assessed as homeless or at risk of homelessness. Also delivering assistance to women and their children who have, or are experiencing, domestic or Aboriginal family violence.
5 Colebrook Street, Whyalla Stuart
8645 3655
Referral: Self-referral or any agency referral

24-26 Ekblom Street, Whyalla Norrie
8641 4330
Referral: From your GP, self-referral, or any agency referral

Women's Information Service
Each WIS Haven and Children’s Centre provides a safe local place where women can speak confidentially to trained volunteers, who can provide information, support, and referrals to appropriate services.
Monday – Friday 9:30am to 1:30pm
Centacare Whyalla, 28 Head Street, Whyalla Stuart
0407251 696

someone health
psychologist available online via video conferencing or phone 7 days a week
1300 546 821
gp’s in whyalla

Visit their Facebook page for more information:

Visit their website for more information:

Whyalla Mount Laura Lions Club
Visit their website for more information:

Address: 77 Essington Lewis Ave, Whyalla, SA, 5600
Phone (08) 8645 7995

Phone: (08) 8640 3444